Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course for beginners or advanced?

It’s beginner-friendly and you don’t need to have any prior experience before enrolling in the course. I’ll be going step by step on how to do this and try to make it as easy as possible, but don’t worry, you’ll be learning all the advanced methods as well.

I’m already an advanced psychic/healer/oracle... Will I get anything out of learning the

Transpersonal Angel-Fairy-Mermaid Healing Course?

Absolutely! This course is designed in a way that both beginners and advanced can benefit from. I have implemented a lot of techniques and guided healing meditations that can help you increase the clarity and strength of the spiritual gifts and psychic abilities you already have. When it comes to spiritual growth, raising consciousness, and developing higher states of consciousness there is always a further. It will give you an opportunity to, even more, improve your skills and intuition.

Will this work for me because, I don’t feel like I have any psychic or intuitive ability…

Yes! You don't need to have any prior experience at all! This course is designed to help you become aware of your hidden potential, and I will teach you a lot of techniques that will help you to raise your vibration, be open to higher states of consciousness, align with angelic frequency, and develop new skills and psychic abilities.

All you have to do is to practice daily, and results will come!

How fast will I start seeing results? How much time will this take?

It takes a minimum of seven weeks to go through all materials. There are many meditations to help you raise your vibration, and very soon you’ll start to feel results. If you practice daily, you will quickly deepen your unique gifts and abilities, that will manifest in many ways, shapes and forms. It works really FAST!

By the end of the program, (if you follow everything step by step) you will be able to heal, receive angelic messages, and do an angelic card reading for yourself, family, and friends!

Is this course only for Christians? Or is it about New Age teachings?

Neither, this course is not about any religion or New Age philosophy. I believe that there is one God with many names and expressions, and He or She can take many shapes and forms. Knowledge gained within this course you can understand and apply through your personal beliefs. I want to teach you how to make a unique and personal relationship with the Divine.

My work is not based on religious or philosophical beliefs, it’s based on spirituality and equality, (no matter gender, age, race, nationality, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, etc.), nonviolence, socially responsible behavior, tolerance, and acceptance of differences between people.

Is this course suitable for atheists?

Yes, because we can understand angels through quantum physics and psychology, not only through religion and spirituality.

Angels are forms of very high energies, that belong to the ether element. They can be everywhere, and they are always in us and around us as energy. When we connect to pure consciousness through transcendence we step into the field of angels.

If you are not a spiritual person, you can approach angels through transpersonal psychology and fairytale therapy. Mythological stories are symbols derived from the human psyche, which carry a true message that cannot be explained in words.

Mythology is the meeting point of the known and the unknown, that is human consciousness and subconscious. It is a set of fairy tales – partly true, partly legendary, and partly metaphorical and symbolic, which help us to understand the incomprehensible.

Jung called mythological symbols “archetypes” because he was convinced that they were integral parts not only of the unconscious mind of the individual but also of the collective unconscious.

Is this course against Christianity?

No, this course is not against Christianity or any other religion. Almost all big world religions like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and others, affirm and testify to the presence and magnificent energy of the angels who love, guide, and support us.

Throughout the course, I use different words to describe the Divine like God, Holy Spirit, Source, Universe... if you don't like some or any of the words to describe Divine Higher Power, please feel free to use your own words in the process. The most important thing is to align with angelic frequencies and to connect with the vibration of the Divine.

If you want to learn only about Divine angels, you can always skip lessons on Nature angels (fairies & mermaids), elementals, and other spiritual beings.

If some of the stuff doesn't fully resonate with you, I absolutely encourage you to follow your beliefs and intuitions and connect with the inner teacher within you.

I don't want you to feel like I’m pulling you away from what you know to be true for you. You can apply the knowledge you gained in this course through your personal beliefs. I don’t want to change your beliefs, just to teach you some techniques to open up your heart and connect with angelic energies.

Is there a payment plan?

No, I cannot offer a payment plan for this training because the content is unlocked instantly.

Do I have immediate access after the purchase?

Yes. There are seven models. One module per week is unlocked. By the end of the seven weeks, you’ll have lifetime access to all modules.

The course is broken into seven modules, and that is why you need to follow it step by step to get most of it. The course is designed in such a way that you must go through each section sequentially because the knowledge builds upon the previous lesson and wouldn't make sense if you skip steps – that is the reason I unlock only one module per week to prevent you from skipping steps. :-)

Will you answer my questions once I join?

Yes, I answer EVERY single question 3 times per week within the private student community Facebook group, which you’ll get access to once you join.

I answer questions ONLY in FB group, because it is impossible for me to answer all questions I receive with email, DM-s, texts, etc.

How do I access the course?

Once your purchase is completed, you will receive a link to the membership area and login info. You can access the course 24/7 lifetime. The course is accessible from phones, tablets, computers, and alike devices.

Is there a scholarship program?

I offer a small number of scholarships and partial scholarships to those who are experiencing financial hardship for whatever reason. But I cannot guarantee a scholarship for every request.

If you are experiencing difficulties, please email and explain your circumstances and what you hope to do with the training once you finish – how will you use the knowledge you gained from the course.

Can I connect with angels on a personal level?

Every person has a guardian angel and a group of angels and spirit guides and has the power and capacity to connect with them. In this course, you’ll learn how to align with angelic frequencies and connect with your group of angels and spirit guides.

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The author of the course assumes no responsibility for your actions and how you use the information within this course. The author is not giving medical, psychological, or any kind of counseling advice. The author only offers information of a general nature to help you find your own way to improve your emotional and spiritual well-being and learn some healing techniques.

Created with <3 © Conny Petö Đeneš 2024.